2022-至今 33678新甫京国际品牌,助理教授
2019-2022 劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室(Lawrence Berkeley National Lab),博士后
博士:范德堡大学(Vanderbilt University),专业:机械工程 2014-2019
加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA),机械与航天工程,暑期研究(UCLA-CSST) 2013.7-2013.9
本课题组(Functional Thermal Lab)长期招收具有热物理、力学、材料、电镜表征等相关专业背景的硕士/博士研究生和博士后,也欢迎有兴趣的本科生和科研助理加入。
2025-2027,国家重点研发计划 “微纳电子技术”重点专项(青年科学家项目),三维集成芯片力-热协同优化界面散热技术
2025- ,国家自然科学基金委 原创探索计划项目,应变梯度引发声子谱扩展对声子散射机理和导热调控技术研究
2025-2028,国家自然科学基金委 面上项目,一维晶体超扩散热流输运理论及调控
2025-2026,微米纳米加工技术全国重点实验室 重点基金,面向三维集成芯片的低温低应力低热阻键合界面散热技术
长期从事于微纳尺度传热,芯片散热,功能性热器件,高温热能存储和量子计算中声子噪音消除等方面的研究。取得的一系列成果对芯片热管理,低碳能源,后摩尔时代量子芯片热设计和国防等领域有重要意义。近五年来,发表高水平SCI论文十余篇,研究成果以第一作者或通讯作者发表在Nature,Nature Nanotechnology ,Science Advances,Nature Communications,Nano Letters等国际高水平期刊。获得第一届中日韩纳米与热能工程国际研讨会 杰出青年学者报告奖(Outstanding Early Career Presentation Award)等奖项。

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*: corresponding author

1. Lin Yang, Peng Peng, Nathaniel Weger, Sean Mills, Clément Messeri, Akanksha K. Menon, Steven Zeltmann et al. "Self-Heating Conductive Ceramic Composites for High Temperature Thermal Energy Storage." ACS Energy Letters 10 (2025): 1002-1012.

2. Yu Zhang, Kun Qian, and Lin Yang*. Designing thermal rectifier using compositionally graded alloys. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 239 (2025): 126571.

3. Lin Yang*, Shengying Yue, Yi Tao, Shuo Qiao, Hang Li, Zhaohe Dai, Bai Song et al. Suppressed thermal transport in silicon nanoribbons by inhomogeneous strain. Nature 629, 1021–1026 (2024)

4. Shuo Qiao, Yi Tao, Lin Yang*. Negative correlation between cross-plane bonding strength and in-plane thermal transport in bent van der Waals materials. Physical Review B 110.24 (2024): 245411.

5. Guanbo Jiao, Shuo Qiao, Jun Lyu, Yi Tao, and Lin Yang*. Suppression of thermal transport in bent boron arsenide nanoribbons. Physical Review Applied 22, 5 (2024): 054019.

6. Jing Ma, Zheng Chang, Lin Yang*, Yi Xia, Bo Jiang, Xiaoliang Zhang, and Dawei Tang. Origins of Giant Anisotropic Phonon Heat Transfer in True1D van der Waals Material. Advanced Functional Materials 34, 49 (2024): 2409389.

7. Shuo Qiao, Deyu Li, and Lin Yang*. Heat flow guiding and modulation by kinks in a silicon nanoribbon. Nano Letters 23.19 (2023): 8860-8867.

Before joining PKU:

8.Lin Yang, Yi Tao, Yanglin Zhu, Manira Akter, Ke Wang, Zhiliang Pan, Yang Zhao, Qian Zhang, Yaqiong Xu, Renkun Chen, Terry T. Xu, Yunfei Chen, Zhiqiang Mao, and Deyu Li. Observation of Superdiffusive Phonon Transport in Aligned Atomic Chains. Nature Nanotechnology, 16, 764–768 (2021).

9.Lin Yang, Ravi Prasher, and Deyu Li. Perspective: From nanowires to super heat conductors. Journal of Applied Physics 130.22 (2021): 220901 [Invited perspective] (Special Topic: Engineering and Understanding of Thermal Conduction in Materials).

10.Lin Yang, Madeleine P. Gordon, Alexandra Bruefach, Kyle Haas, Akanksha K. Menon, Mary C. Scott, Ravi S. Prasher, and Jeffrey J. Urban. Decoupling electron and phonon transport in single-nanowire hybrid materials for high-performance thermoelectrics. Science Advances 7, eabe6000 (2021).

11.Lin Yang, Daihong Huh, Rui Ning, Vi Rapp, Yuqiang Zeng, Yunzhi Liu, Sucheol Ju, Yi Tao, Yue Jiang, Jihyun Beak, Juyoung Leem, Sumanjeet Kaur, Heon Lee, Xiaolin Zheng, Ravi S. Prasher. High thermoelectric figure of merit of porous Si nanowires from 300 to 700 K. Nature Communications, 12.1 (2021): 1-7.

12.Zhiliang Pan, Lin Yang, Yi Tao, Yanglin Zhu, Yaqiong Xu, Zhiqiang Mao, Deyu Li. Net Negative Contributions of Free Electrons to the Thermal Conductivity of NbSe3 Nanowires. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 22, 21131-21138 (2020). (2020 PCCP 热门文章精选)

13.Lin Yang, Qian Zhang, Zhiyong Wei, Zhiguang Cui, Yang Zhao, Terry T. Xu, Juekuan Yang, and Deyu Li. Kink as a New Degree of Freedom to Tune the Thermal Conductivity of Si Nanoribbons. Journal of Applied Physics 126, 155103 (2019). (JAP网站首页编辑推荐文章)

14.Lin Yang, Yang Zhao, Qian Zhang, Juekuan Yang, and Deyu Li. Thermal Transport through Fishbone Silicon Nanoribbons: Unraveling the Role of Sharvin Resistance. Nanoscale 11, 8196–8203 (2019). (2019 Nanoscale 热门文章精选)

15.Lin Yang, Yi Tao, Jinyu Liu, Chenhan Liu, Qian Zhang, Manira Akter, Yang Zhao, Terry T. Xu, Yaqiong Xu, Zhiqiang Mao, Yunfei Chen, and Deyu Li. Distinct Signatures of Electron-Phonon Coupling Observed in the Lattice Thermal Conductivity of NbSe3 Nanowires. Nano Letters 19, 415-421 (2018).