2015.6 南京理工大学,安全工程系,力学博士(爆炸力学方向),指导老师:彭金华、解立峰
马里兰大学帕克分校,机械工程系,CSC联合培养博士生,指导老师:Michael R. Zachariah
2010.6 南京理工大学,安全工程系,学士


合作教授: Michael R. Zachariah(讲席教授)

合作教授: Michael R. Zachariah(讲席教授)
• 美国航空航天学会会员
• 美国燃烧学会会员
• 美国航空航天学会最佳论文奖(AIAA Best Paper Award),2014年
• 第11届美国燃烧学会分会主席(Session Chair ),2019年
• Combustion and Flame, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Chemical Engineering Journal, Fuel,含能材料等期刊审稿人

  • Wang, H., Jiang, Y., Wang, Y., Baek, J., Zheng, X. and Zachariah, M.R., 2024. Enhanced energy delivery of direct-write fabricated reactive materials with energetic graphene oxide. Combustion and Flame, 260, p.113095.
  • Wang, H., Wang, Y. and Zachariah, M.R., 2024. Observing coalescence of aluminum nanoparticles during burning using aluminum/ammonia perchlorate sandwiched films. Combustion and Flame, 260, p.113117.
  • Wang, H., Hagen, E., Shi, K., Herrera, S., Xu, F. and Zachariah, M.R., 2023. Carbon fibers as additives to engineer agglomeration and propagation of aluminized propellants. Chemical Engineering Journal, 460, p.141653.
  • Wang, H., Wang, Y., Garg, M., Moore, J.S. and Zachariah, M.R., 2022. Unzipping polymers significantly enhance energy flux of aluminized composites. Combustion and Flame, 244, p.112242.
  • Wang, H., Biswas, P. and Zachariah, M.R., 2022. Direct imaging and simulation of the interface reaction of metal/metal oxide nanoparticle laminates. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 126(20), pp.8684-8691.
  • Wang, H., Kline, D. J., Rehwoldt, M. C., & Zachariah, M. R., 2021. Carbon Fibers Enhance the Propagation of High Loading Nanothermites: In Situ Observation of Microscopic Combustion. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 13, p. 30504-30511.
  • Wang, H., Kline, D.J., Biswas, P. and Zachariah, M.R., 2021. Connecting agglomeration and burn rate in a thermite reaction: Role of oxidizer morphology. Combustion and Flame, 231, p.111492.
  • Wang, H., Shen, J., Kline, D.J., Eckman, N., Agrawal, N.R., Wu, T., Wang, P. and Zachariah, M.R., 2019. Direct Writing of a 90 wt% Particle Loading Nanothermite. Advanced Materials, 31(23) p.1806575.
  • Wang, H.#, Kline, D.J.# and Zachariah, M.R., 2019. In-operando high-speed microscopy and thermometry of reaction propagation and sintering in a nanocomposite. Nature Communications, 10(1), p.3032. #
  • Wang, H., Rehwoldt, M., Kline, D.J., Wu, T., Wang, P. and Zachariah, M.R., 2019. Comparison study of the ignition and combustion characteristics of directly-written Al/PVDF, Al/Viton and Al/THV composites. Combustion and Flame, 201, pp.181-186.
  • Wang, H., Rehwoldt, M.C., Wang, X., Yang, Y. and Zachariah, M.R., 2019. On the promotion of high temperature AP decomposition with silica mesoparticles. Combustion and Flame, 200, pp.296-302.
  • Wang, H., Jacob, R.J., DeLisio, J.B. and Zachariah, M.R., 2017. Assembly and encapsulation of aluminum NP's within AP/NC matrix and their reactive properties. Combustion and Flame, 180, pp.175-183.
  • Wang, H., DeLisio, J.B., Jian, G., Zhou, W. and Zachariah, M.R., 2015. Electrospray formation and combustion characteristics of iodine-containing Al/CuO nanothermite microparticles. Combustion and Flame, 162(7), pp.2823-2829.
  • Wang, H., Jian, G., Zhou, W., DeLisio, J.B., Lee, V.T. and Zachariah, M.R., 2015. Metal iodate-based energetic composites and their combustion and biocidal performance. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 7(31), pp.17363-17370.
  • Wang, H., Jian, G., Egan, G.C. and Zachariah, M.R., 2014. Assembly and reactive properties of Al/CuO based nanothermite microparticles. Combustion and Flame, 161(8), pp.2203-2208.
  • Wang, H., Jian, G., Yan, S., DeLisio, J.B., Huang, C. and Zachariah, M.R., 2013. Electrospray formation of gelled nano-aluminum microspheres with superior reactivity. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 5(15), pp.6797-6801.