
题目:Processing, Structure and Failure Studies of Polymer/Clay Nanocomposites
报告人:  Prof.  Yiu-Wing Mai
Centre for Advanced Materials Technology (CAMT) &
DSTO AED-Centre of Expertise in Damage Mechanics
School of Aerospace, Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering J07
The University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia
It is well-known that materials can show significantly improved properties if they possess multi-component phase separated morphology at the nanoscale. Polymer nanocomposites are a good example of this class of nanostructured materials that provide unique mechanical, optical and thermal properties at relatively low filler loading compared to traditional micro-composites. This is due to (a) the exceptionally large surface area-to-volume ratio of the nano-additives available for interaction with the polymer matrix; (b) nanoscale arrangement and presence of large number of reinforcements; and (c) confinement of polymer matrix chains at the nano-level. These basic characteristics of the nano-reinforcements, if fully exploited, will influence the microstructure, crystallinity, glass transition and degradation temperatures, and other inherent properties of the resultant nanocomposites, which in turn enable the achievement of multi-functional properties. But, many critical issues have yet to be addressed, especially in polymer/clay nanocomposites, which have wide applications. Some issues will be highlighted in this seminar, which include embrittlement, thermal stability/ flame retardancy and tribological response of the nanocomposites. Accurate interpretation of the origin and development of these complex issues require precise knowledge of both surface and subsurface phenomena at different levels. A range of electron microscopic and analytical tools were used to understand the processing-structure-property relations in these materials.
Professor Yiu-Wing Mai is a mechanical engineering alumnus of the University of Hong Kong having completed BSc (Eng) & Williamson Prizeman in 1969, PhD in 1972 and DSc in 1999. He also obtained DEng from Sydney University in 1999. He previously worked in the US (Ann Arbor and NIST), the UK (Imperial College) and Hong Kong SAR (HKUST, CityU, HKU and PolyU). Prof Mai is currently University Chair in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Sydney, and also Visiting Chair in Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Professor Mai’s major research interests are on the fundamental understanding of processing-microstructure-property relationships, particularly the fracture and mechanical behaviours, of a broad range of advanced materials including polymer blends, ceramics, cementitious materials, hard coatings and fibre composites. His current projects are related to polymer- and ceramic-based nanocomposites, and fracture mechanics of FGMs and ferroelectromagnetic materials. Professor Mai is Fellow of the Royal Society of London, the Australian Academy of Science and the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences & Engineering; and Member of the European Academy of Sciences. He is also Fellow of ASME, IEAust and HKIE.

主持人:苏先樾  教授