题目:Shallow water modelling of rainfall-runoff and pollutant transport(应用浅水方程模拟降雨产流和污染物输运过程)
报告人:梁东方 教授,英国剑桥大学工程系教授、 丘吉尔学院工程教学主任
主持人:段慧玲 院士
报告摘要:Shallow water equations (Saint-Venant equations) can be derived from depth-integrating the Navier-Stokes equations. They are widely used in hydraulic and hydrological analyses.This talk will first introduce the properties of these equations and their variations, as well as the suitable computational methods. The talk will then focus on the application of these equations to the prediction of the rainfall-runoff and pollutant transport processes over impervious urban catchments, focusing on the influence of urban configurations on the normalised time of concentration, which is a hydrological parameter to indicate the response time of the catchment to a rain event. The talk will also present some experimental and numerical results on the runoff of dissolvable pollutants over urban grounds. 报告人简介:梁东方,于 1998 年获得清华大学水利水电工程系学士学位、 2003 年获博士学位。2003-2005 和 2005-2006 分别在 University of Western Australia 和 Cardiff University 任博士后研究员。 2006 年起在 University of Cambridge 工作,相继任大学讲师、高级讲师、副教授和教授。现为剑桥大学工程系水动力学教授、丘吉尔学院 Director of Studies,Institution of Civil Engineers 剑桥郡分会主席, Journal of Hydrodynamics、 Maritime Engineering 和 Journal of Safety Science and Resilience 副主编。 发表论文 200 余篇。