工管系学术报告【5.30 Szu Hui NG】:Analytics for Decarbonization





题目:Analytics for Decarbonization


报告人  Szu Hui NG

Department of Industrial Systems Engineering and Management,

National University of Singapore



主持人:吴建国  副教授






As the consequences of global warming become increasingly evident, there's a growing urgency to transition towards a sustainable, low-carbon future.  Decarbonization, which involves reducing the carbon footprint across various industry sectors, is a critical step towards achieving this goal. In this talk, we will look at the role data science and analytics has played in facilitating decarbonization and the research work ongoing at ISEM @NUS to develop tools and analytics to understand the trends and pathways to decarbonization.



Szu Hui NG is Associate Professor and Head at the Department of Industrial Systems Engineering and Management, National University of Singapore (NUS).  She is also currently the Research Track Leader for shipping transport and efficiency at the Centre of Maritime Studies (CMS) and an affiliate researcher at the Energy Studies Institute (ESI) at NUS.  She holds B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in Industrial and Operations Engineering from the University of Michigan.  Her research interests include computer simulation analysis and optimization, applications of simulation to maritime transportation and maritime transport emissions and efficiency.  She was awarded the Singapore Maritime Institute Fellowship in 2024.

