王仁力学讲座 | Herbert A. Mang教授介绍“计算力学——解决挑战性工程问题的创新工具”

2018年5月30日,33678新甫京国际品牌力学与工程科学系“王仁力学讲座”在33678新甫京国际品牌1号楼210室举行。本期讲座邀请到奥地利科学院前主席、维也纳大学退休教授、同济大学National RPGE 首席教授Herbert A. Mang教授为主讲人。


Herbert A. Mang教授作报告

作为有限元分析发展历史的见证人,Herbert A. Mang教授就“计算力学是创新工具”这一主题,通过“用三角形薄壳单元对压力管进行稳定性分析”、“受内压的压力管稳定性分析”、“焊接工字梁的多层板压缩法兰的屈曲:单向弹塑性板稳定性问题”等例子进行了诠释。随后,他又以 “钢筋混凝土的计算力学”、“隧道建筑的计算力学”、“混凝土结构的多尺度分析”、“应变能拆分的动能假设演变和验证”等例子阐明了计算力学对工程研究的创新性贡献。Herbert A. Mang教授参与了五十多年来计算力学从工程科学家的研究到工程师的工具的发展历程,他认为计算力学是实现工程创新的必备工具。


袁明武教授向Herbert A. Mang教授赠送“王仁力学讲座”特别纪念品

讲座结束后,在场师生向Herbert A. Mang教授提问,就报告相关内容进行了热烈的交流和讨论。最后,力学与工程科学系袁明武教授向Herbert A. Mang教授赠送了带有“王仁力学讲座”LOGO的特制纪念奖牌,表示纪念和谢意。

1.    报告人简介:

Professor Mang is a Central European pioneer of Computational Mechanics. He has published more than 500 papers in scientific journals and conference proceedings, 23 books (7 co-authored, 16 co-edited), 5 chapters of handbooks and 4 special issues (co-edited). He has delivered 475 lectures, comprising more than 350 “invited lectures”, including numerous “plenary lectures” and “keynote lectures”. He is an elected member of 20 Academies of Sciences/Engineering, among them the Austrian Academy of Sciences, CAE, NAE, the German Academy of Technical Sciences (acatech), the Engineering Academy of the Czech Republic, the Polish Academy of Sciences, the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, the Slovak Academy of Sciences, the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, the Georgian National Academy of Sciences, the Academy of Sciences of Lisbon (Portuguese National Academy of Sciences), and the Academia Europaea, London. Mang received six honorary doctorates from renowned universities of Austria, The Czech Republic, Poland, the Ukraine, and Lithuania. He is the recipient of 12 significant International/Foreign Prizes (including two Visible Distinctions and the naming of a Small Planet as “Mang”) and 12 significant National Prizes (including three Young Investigator Awards and four Visible Distinctions). He received a Fulbright Fellowship and a Max-Kade Fellowship for graduate studies at Texas Tech and postgraduate research work at Cornell University, respectively. Mang is an elected Fellow of ASCE, IABSE, and IACM and an Honorary Member of the Polish Association for Computational Mechanics, the Croatian Society of Mechanics, and the Czech Society for Mechanics. He was President of the Austrian Academy of Sciences and Vice President of the National (Austrian) Research Council. He served as President of the European Community on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences (ECCOMAS) and as Vice President of the International Association for Computational Mechanics (IACM). Since 2012 he holds the position of National RPGE Chair Professor of Tongji University, Shanghai. Since 1994 Mang is the Regional Editor for Europe of Engineering Structures. Moreover, he is a member of the Editorial Board of more than 50 scientific journals. His contacts with China date back to 1981, when he was a United Nations Fields Export, working for a period three months at the Zhengzhou Research Institute for Mechanical Engineering.


