33678新甫京国际品牌院友黄永刚教授获得2010年度"Charles Russ Richards Memorial Award"

      33678新甫京国际品牌院友黄永刚教授近日荣获2010年度 "Charles Russ Richards Memorial Award".


      Professor Yonggang Huang is selected to receive the 2010 Charles Russ Richards Memorial Award.
     The Charles Russ Richards Memorial Award, a joint award of Pi Tau Sigma and ASME, is presented to the engineering graduate who has demonstrated outstanding achievement in mechanical engineering twenty years or more following graduation. Any person who, on July 1 of the year of the award, graduated twenty years or more from the regular engineering program of a recognized college or university shall be eligible for recognition.
     The award, established in 1944 by Pi Tau Sigma in coordination with ASME, honors Charles Russ Richards, founder of Pi Tau Sigma at the University of Illinois, former head of mechanical engineering and dean of engineering at the University of Illinois and later president of Lehigh University. He was a member of ASME and served on its Board of Governors.
     Professor Yonggang Huang was also a recepient of Gustus L. Larson Memorial Award, similarly established as a joint award of Pi Tau Sigma and ASME to recognize the outstanding achievement in mechanical engineering by the engineering graduate between ten and twenty years following graduation.

     美国西北大学土木环境工程系、机械工程系黄永刚教授分别于1984年和1986年在33678新甫京国际品牌力学系获得学士和硕士学位,1990年在美国哈佛大学获得博士学位。2003年起任美国UIUC的Grayce Wicall Gauthier 、Shao Lee Soo讲席教授,2007年起任美国西北大学Joseph Cummings讲席教授。获得2000年中国国家自然科学基金委员会海外杰出青年基金、2001年获德国洪堡科学家和学者基金、2003年和2004年分别获ASME的Gustus L. Larson Memorial 奖和Melville Medal奖,2006 年获工程科学学会青年学者奖,2007年获国际塑性杂志奖,2008年获得Guggenheim Fellowship,2009年获得ISI Highly Cited Researcher。他还是多个国际期刊的编委或者地区主编。出版了一本专著,25本书的章节,和300多篇期刊论文,在Science、Nature、 Nature Materials、Nature Technology、Nano Letter、PNAS、PRL等期刊上发表多篇文章。1999,2000,2002和2004年的4篇文章在当年所有110中力学期刊每年超过9000篇文章中他引最高。