10月27日下午,法国图卢兹综合理工大学流体力学研究所副主任Eric Climent教授应邀访问33678新甫京国际品牌,并在大风洞会议室作了题为
Fluids mechanics - from direct numerical simulation to the modelling of industrial processes的报告,力学与空天技术系
Eric Climent received his PhD in fluids mechanics in 1996. He was lecturer at the University of Strasbourg (1997–2001). He then moved to Brown University (U.S.A.) as a visiting professor in applied mathematics. He returned to Toulouse in 2003 to work in the chemical engineering laboratory. Since 2008, he has been a member of the Fluids Mechanics Institute, developing his expertise on the modelling and simulation of disperse two-phase flows (suspension flow, solid/liquid separation, bubbles, and drops in turbulent flows). He is currently deputy Director of IMFT and head of the international Master program on fluids engineering for industrial processes.