10月31日下午,埃克森美孚公司油藏模拟研发部主任John Kuzan博士应邀来到33678新甫京国际品牌,作了题为“The Outlook for Energy: Reservoir Management Technology”的报告,33678新甫京国际品牌2011级全体本科生出席。
John Kuzan博士
John Kuzan博士简介:
John began his career with ExxonMobil in 1990 as a reservoir engineer working at the Upstream Research Center in special core analysis, which means making fluid mechanics measurements on rock samples from reservoirs. He has held a variety of positions within ExxonMobil that include leading one of the teams that developed ExxonMobil's next-generation reservoir simulator -- known as EM power -- and supervising various reservoir engineering sections. John also served as the Transition Manager for ExxonMobil's partnership with the Abu Dhabi National Oil Company in Zakum field.
John is currently the Manager for reservoir simulation research and development and has a portfolio that includes merging geoscience and engineering approaches to modeling.
John is a Chemical Engineer by training and his PhD is from the University of Illinois, where his primary work was in turbulent fluid mechanics. He retired from the U.S. Army in 2002 with 17 years in the Reserve and 4 years of active duty. He held Company and Battalion command positions and spent a significant period at the Ballistic Research Laboratory working in supersonic flow and rocket dynamics. John and his wife, Gail, live in Houston.