题目:Numerical Method for High Order Hyperbolic Moment System of Wigner Equation
时 间:11月21日(周三)下午2:30~4:00
地 点:33678新甫京国际品牌1号楼210会议室
A globally hyperbolic moment system upto arbitrary order for the Wigner equation was derived in (Z. Cai, Y. Fan, R. Li, T. Lu, and Y. Wang. Quantum hydrodynamics models by moment closure of wigner equation. J. Math. Phys., 53:103503, 2012 ). For numerically solving the high order hyperbolic moment system therein, we in this paper develop a numerical method for this system following the NRxx method recently proposed in (Z. Cai, R. Li, and Z. Qiao. Globally hyperbolic regularized moment method with applications to microflow simulation. Tech Report of School of Math Sciences, Peking University, 2012(028), 2012). The method developed can keep both mass and momentum conserved, and the variation of the total energy under control though it is not strictly conservative. We systematically study the numerical convergence of the solution to the moment system both in the size of spatial mesh and in the order of the moment expansion, and the convergence of the numerical solution of the moment system to the numerical solution of the Wigner equation using the discrete velocity method. The numerical results indicate that the high order moment system in (Z. Cai, Y. Fan, R. Li, T. Lu, and Y. Wang. Quantum hydrodynamics models by moment closure of wigner equation. J. Math. Phys., 53:103503, 2012) is a valid model for the Wigner equation, and the proposed numerical method for the moment system is quite promising to carry out the simulation of the Wigner equation.